Why Choose Us?
Our customers recommend us and our experience speaks for itself. We also have a health and safety policy which not only meets but exceeds minimum industry standards.
The health and safety policy of GREENHOWE MARINE SERVICES is to do everything reasonably practicable to prevent injury and ill health to employees and others affected by our activities.
To achieve this aim we will:
- Maintain a safe and healthy working environment
- Control health and safety risks arising from our work activities
- Provide adequate information, instruction, training and supervision for our employees and contracted personnel
- Consult with our workforce on significant health and safety issues
- Ensure that all personnel are competent to carry out the tasks entrusted to them
- Communicate effectively on health and safety with contractors
- Allocate clear responsibility for health and safety
- Have clear and effective health and safety arrangements
- Ensure that emergency arrangements are defined and understood
GMS will provide sufficient resources to ensure that this policy can be implemented and maintained. GMS believes that health and safety is based upon competence and communication and that personnel have a duty to co-operate in making this policy effective. Personnel employed and contracted should:
- Co-operate on health and safety matters
- Take reasonable care of their own health and safety and that of others
- Report health and safety concerns to the supervisor or project manager
- Not interfere with anything provided to safeguard health and safety
Employees and contracted personnel are empowered to stop any task they consider to be unsafe and request further consultation and advice before proceeding. GMS is involved in the provision of safety boat and marine based project services, we are committed to the continual improvement of health and safety in all of our operations.
Skipper and Owner
Ricky Greenhowe
Last updated – 4th April 2016